Action Hero Nagarjuna has been splendidly making high waves across the South Indian Film Industry over for a very long time. Previously, he made his on screen appearance here in Tamil with ‘Ratchakan’ and then many of his Telugu-dubbed-Tamil films have done good business in Tamil Nadu. His recent release ‘King’ leaped with good collections and producers of the film in Tamil. The movie directed by Sreenu Vaitla is produced by Siva Prasad Reddy. Nagarjuna says elatedly that, as many of his previous dubbed films including ‘Mass’ witnessed tremendous response, he has come up with this efforts. The film has Trisha and Mamta Mohandas on title cards as female lead roles.
Damarukam is a 2012 Indian Telugu-language action fantasy film produced by R. Movie Makers banner and written and directed by Srinivasa Reddy, cinematography by Chota K. Naidu.Starring Akkineni Nagarjuna, Anushka Shetty, Prakash Raj play the lead roles and music composed by Devi Sri Prasad.The film was released on 2012. Naidu won Filmfare Award for Best.
- Jan 15, 2017 Damarukam will be dubbed in Tamil and in all probability, will release by this month-end. End of the article. Tamil Movies 2020; Telugu Movies 2020; Malayalam Movies 2020.
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