Provides radioactive decay information for Radionuclides.
Example Screen Shot
RadDecay (Radiation Decay) provides radioactive decay information for more than 3000 radionuclides, (3713 to be exact).
Data provided include: The elements physical properties (like density, melting point, and specific heat), and the elements radionuclides and nuclides data (such as half life, daughter nuclides, decay chain series, probabilities per decay, and decay product energies for alphas, betas, gammas, and X-rays).
The radioactive elements can be searched, to find an element that emits a particular Alpha, Beta, or Photon emission. For example, say a photon spectrum gives two photon peaks at 150 keV and 420 keV. The radioactive elements can be searched for photons that give a 150 keV, then the previously found elements can be searched for the 420 keV photon. Hence Photon spectrums can be matched to photon emitters.
The radionuclide can be selected from an Alphabetical list, or selected from a Periodic Table. The radionuclides can be graphed in the decay chain series, and in the nuclide abundance table. Also a decay (half-life) calculation can be performed, and the resulting activities can be graphed.
Full coping to clipboard and output to printer is supported.
My original MS-Windows developed RadDecay (version 1, 1994) utilised the 'RADIOACTIVE DECAY DATA TABLES by David C. Kocher'. The capabilities of this RadDecay program increased with the later versions (version 2 and 3).
However, these applications had limited nuclides data, being based on 497 radionuclides of the 'Kocher' tables.
This latest version (Version 4), is a total rewrite of the older RadDecay versions, with enhanced capabilities (i.e. more graphical functions).
However the most significant update, and enhanced capability, is that the RadDecay application now utilises the enhanced and expanded ENDSF data files (see below). These data files provide much more radionuclides (over 3000 compared to 479 of the Kocher tables), and much more data (such as spectrums) for all radionuclides.
All nuclide data was extracted from the:
'Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File' (ENSDF)
National Nuclear Data Center,
Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Upton, NY 11973-5000
The ENSDF data files were retrieved from the WorldWideWeb site of: 'NNDC Online Data Service'
The ENSDF text based files were re-formatted to Borland Delphi records, for use in this RadDecay application.
This program and data files are freeware, hence the Authors* give permission for making copies of this program, and using the data files contained within, 'Without Restriction', (subject to the NO-Liability clause).
Due to legal concerns, the user must accept a user licence, and NO-liability clause, which will display the first time the application is run.
The program code (RadDecay.exe) is my work, yet the data files (*.REC) are derived from outside sources, (ENSDF web site and literature sources). The Nuclides data (Alphas.rec, Betas.rec, Daughter.rec, Gammas.rec, Nuclide.rec, and Xrays.rec) were direct translations of the ENSDF text data files. The authors of the ENSDF data files have given permission for utilising the data files, with the requirement for acknowledging the source of the data*.
* The ENSDF Web site (see above) contains information on the public status of the ENSDF data, and in addition email confirmation has been received (from Mr J. K. Tuli, Brookhaven National Laboratory) that this RadDecay application is permitted to download and utilise the ENDSF data, (and requested that the source of the data be acknowledged).
If you use the program, it would be nice to get an Email. I would also like to know your comments, concerns, or bugs in the program.
No liability whatsoever for the program operation, use of the data, accuracy of the data, loss of information, or anything else is accepted by the author of this program.
Also, no doubt the authors of the ENDSF radiation data files tables offer NO liability for the accuracy of the ENDSF data.
To Due to legal concerns, the user must accept a user licence, and NO-liability clause, which will display the first time the application is run.
** WARNING ** Missing Data
I have been infomed that the ENSDF files I downloaded, had missing data!. Thus some radionuclides have missing information.
I will thus need to find a better source for the ENSDF files. I am still in the process of obtaining better data files.
(~1.3 MB ZIP file)
NOTE: Please note the above Missing Data warning.The above is a compressed ZIP file of the executable setup file called:
Setup_RadDecayV4_2016_09_22.exeDownload this file, unzip it, and run the installer executable.
This older version utilises the 'Radioactive Decay Data Tables' by David C. Kocher (published in 1981) which provides radiation decay information for 497 radionuclides. It is provided for those wishing to utilise an application that has a fewer set of nuclides than the above RadDecay V4 application.
It has been compiled to a 32bit Windows7 compatible application.
(Let me know if there are problems with this version running in Windows8 / Windows10.)
(917 kB ZIP file)
The above is a compressed ZIP file of the executable setup file called:
RadDecayV3_Installer_2016_09_22.exeDownload this file, unzip it, and run the installer executable.
For those that do not wish to run a setup installer, this ZIP file contains all of the files needed to run the application. Extract the files in this ZIP file to a writable directory (like the MS-Windows User Data Directory) and then run the extracted 'RadDecay.exe' program.