Software Engineering Ian Sommerville 10th Edition Free

There are thousands of videos on software engineering topics on YouTube but most of these are either poor quality (out of focus, unreadable text, etc.), unwatchably boring (no diagrams, no visual variation, etc.) or are commercial, selling some particular product or method. Topic coverage is very patchy – for example, there are many excellent. Software Engineering, Tenth Edition A comprehensive textbook on software engineering. The tenth edition of my Software Engineering textbook was published in April 2015. The book is organized into four parts and focuses on the methods, tools and techniques used in the development of software systems.

  1. Software Engineering Tenth Edition Pdf
  2. Software Engineering At Google Pdf
  3. Software Engineering 10 Pdf

These videos support the material in Chapters 19, 20 and 21 in the 10th edition of Software Engineering. Videos marked with (*) have been specially made by the author to support the book. Others have been vetted as relevant to the book and of reasonable quality. Slides to accompany specially made videos can be downloaded from slideshare.

Software Engineering, 10th Edition Ian Sommerville on shipping on qualifying offers. Software Engineering, 10th Edition. PowerPoint Slides for Software Engineering, 10th Edition. Ian Sommerville, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom, University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Project management

A video that explains why software project management differs from other types of project management. I don’t agree with everything she says but she is right that there are important differences.

Software Engineering Tenth Edition Pdf

This is quite a nice introduction to risk management although I find the chalkboard presentation style to be a bit irritating.

Software Engineering At Google Pdf

A short video that introduces the key elements of people management.

Project planning

A webinar (quite long and slow) about what are common mistakes in software cost and schedule estimation.

A very simple introduction to drawing bar charts.

Advice from an Excel expert on how to create a bar chart using some of the less well-known features of Excel. There are lots of other YouTube videos on this topic.

This is a simple introduction to using COCOMO for cost estimation. It covers the principles of the model but does not address the more advanced aspects of the approach.

A good introduction to using story points and velocity for agile project estimation.

Quality management

Introduces automated and manual software quality assurance and provides an overview of free and open source software quality assurance tools that are available.

A sensible overview of software metrics although I found the presentation to be quite stilted and unenthusiastic.

Configuration management

What project managers need to know about configuration management

A good talk that explains why configuration management is important.

A lecture by a leading academic software engineer based on my configuration management chapter in the 9th edition. There’s a lot of overlap with the current chapter

Software engineering sommerville 9th pdf

This video describes the differences between centralized CM systems such as SVN and distributed systems such as Git.

This video introduces the rationale for and the general principles of continuous integration and then goes into some detail about how the Jenkins CI tool can be used.

Software Engineering Ian Sommerville 10th Edition Free

Software Engineering 10 Pdf

A technical introduction to the Git version management system. Quite a long video (1 hour 20 minutes).