You can make your Mac talk to you in various different ways and even speaking with different voices, all by using the powerful built-in Text-to-Speech abilities of Mac OS X. With this, you can either speak a few words, phrases, or even an entire document. Cepstral® Voices *NOTE: Cepstral Voices are available for Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Linux, and Mac OSX* Exciting new voices from Cepstral® are now available for only $29.99 each.
- Mac Text To Speech Voices For Windows
- Mac Text To Speech Voices Online
- Voices For Mac Text To Speech Software

MacOS text/speech FAQ: What do you know about Mac OS X text to speech voice capabilities, including using AppleScript to convert text to speech? Excel for mac wont edit text. I’m goofing around currently, using the very cool Mac text to speech capability. Okay, really, what I’m doing is writing an program to wake me up in the morning, and in the process I started digging into this Mac text to speech stuff, using AppleScript. Mac OS X text to speech using AppleScript As I started digging into the Mac text to speech capability I learned that there are a number of voices built into Mac OS/X, which is very cool. If you ever want to use this text-to-speech functionality, here's a list of the voices built into the system: # new on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Alex # all these voices are available on Mac OS X 10.5 # good female voices Agnes Kathy Princess Vicki Victoria # good male voices Bruce Fred Junior Ralph # other voices Albert Bad News Bahh Bells Boing Bubbles Cellos Deranged Good News Hysterical Pipe Organ Trinoids Whisper Zarvox You can experiment with these voices on your Mac OS X system by choosing System Preferences, Speech, then clicking the 'Text to Speech' tab.
MacOS built-in Text to Speech. MacOS provides a built-in Text to Speech feature that can help you. It is built on top of world-class text-to-speech-engines and can help you create high quality voice overs for your videos. Active 1 year, 9 months ago Books2Burn is a free Text-To-Speech MP3 creation program for the Mac OS X Leopard.
Installed Text-To-Speech Voices Not Showing Up in System.Speech Options, Windows 10 Powershell 21 Make the `say` terminal utility and NSSpeechSynthesizer work with Siri voices. Invicta TTS is a very simple free Text To Speech app available on the Mac App Store. Once you open up the app, it presents you with a text box where you can enter or paste any text which will be then converted to speech. The app is very lightweight and minimal in nature with everything being to the point.

Now choose a value for the System Voice, and then press the Play button. You can keep changing the System Voice and clicking the Play button to here samples of what each voice sounds like. Mac text to speech AppleScript example As part of my AppleScript alarm clock programming effort, I'm starting my 'wake up' effort with some computer voices.
Here's what the first part of my AppleScript program looks like: say 'Good morning Al.' Using 'Whisper' delay 2 say 'Al, it's time to rise and shine.' Using 'Fred' delay 1 say 'The current time is' using 'Vicky' say (time string of (current date)) using 'Vicky' delay 2 say 'Wake up sleepy head' using 'Trinoids' delay 2 say 'You asked us to wake you up at this time.' Using 'Victoria' delay 2 say 'It's time to wake up, it's time to wake up!'
Mac lets you convert text to speech using command line utility “say”. It also lets to generate an audio file in various formats and voices. This is pretty handy to generate audio file given the text. Here are couple of ways to use it:

- Use say to pronounce “Hello world” with default voice:
- Using say with a pause after Hello:
In case you need bigger pause repeat comma e.g.
- Using say with voice Alex:
- Using say with voice Alex and output audio to a file (default format aiff):
Sample output for some voices

Here is sample output for text “Using Text to Speech (TTS), you can have Alex and other Mac voices speak selected text so you can hear a word as you see it onscreen.” using various voices:
- Using voice Alex (Male Voice):
Outcome: mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-alex.aiff
- Using voice Bruce (Male Voice):
Outcome: mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-bruce.aiff
- Using voice Victoria (Female Voice):
Outcome: mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-victoria.aiff
Mac Text To Speech Voices For Windows
Voices available on your system
Mac Text To Speech Voices Online
Voice Alex is one of the most popular voices and you can use it if you don’t want to spend too much time on trying other voices. To see the list of voices available on your system run say -v ?
. There are couple of other voices which can be downloaded from Apple’s web site. Here is the default list on Mac OS X 10.7.5 at the time of writing this article.
Output formats
The default output format is aiff. To change the output file format, just change the output file extension. To see the list of output file format available run say --file-format=?
. Here is the outcome on Max OS X 10.7.5
e.g. To generate a wave format output file run say 'Hello World' -o out.wave