Maxqda License

Language(s)English, French
LocationFrance, Belgium, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Ghana, Bénin
RadiusFrance, Belgium, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Ghana, Bénin


  • Starter Workshop
  • Advanced Workshops
Methodological Expertise
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Data Processing and Content Analysis
  • Mixed Methods
  • Bibliographical and individual interviews
  • Focus Groups
Consulting Services

As an independent professional, I am a consultant and trainer to academics and students, research groups, professionals from various fields, associations/NGOs, companies, public and private organizations.


I have been using MAXQDA software since 2013 for my research during my doctoral studies in sociology at the University of Bayreuth (Germany). I graduated from BIGSAS in June 2015. Since then I use it for my further research and to publish articles. I belong to a team of researchers in Toulouse, France, as a volunteer. I discovered that none of my colleagues use MAXQDA. This led me to deepen my knowledge of the software in order to popularize it and offer workshops and seminars to different groups (universities, research groups, individuals, public or private companies).

Relevant PublicationsNonlourou Marie Paule Coulibaly (2020). Gouvernance, collégialité : des notions théoriques à la pratique des associations » colloque de la chaire Jean Rodhain, Institut Catholique de Toulouse (in progress)Nonlourou Marie Paule Coulibaly (2015). Logiques sociales de la solidarité envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH, Curvillier Verlag, GermanyNonlourou Marie Paule Coulibaly (2014). Les pratiques sociales et perceptions de la vulnérabilité au VIH/sida, http://www.laasse- economies/revuesocieteseconomies

Maxqda Qualitative Software


Maxqda License Transfer

Maxqda Student License

Transfer MAXQDA to a new computer If you want to transfer MAXQDA to a different computer, you need to deactivate your current MAXQDA installation. Once this is done, your serial number can be used for an activation of MAXQDA on your new computer. Updates As a MAXQDA license holder, you can take advantage of regular free program updates. No license with the entered license name has been found in the MAXQDA Netlic Service. Please check the license name for typing errors. It should be “METUMAXQDA2020”. The client is currently using the license in another instance of MAXQDA. A license can only be used in one MAXQDA. Download MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 R20.4.0 win64 full license forever Link download MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 R20.4.0 x64 full cracked. Working with MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 R20.4.0 full. Description: MAXQDA is a practical tool for complex processing and analysis of texts. From the first version until now, this program is the first choice of. MAXQDA is the most comprehensive software for doing mixed method research. So if you have been trying to learn qualitative analysis but you felt lost in philosophical discourses and complex terminologies of your books and course material then this course is for you.