Purusha Suktam Sanskrit

  1. Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Text
  2. Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Pdf
  3. Purusha Suktam Sanskrit English
  4. Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Text
  5. Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Pdf


  • Purusha in this Suktham is described as a gigantic personality who is spread everywhere. Brahma the creator is supposed to have his huge body as a sacrifice so that he can create the world.
  • Purusha Suktam Lyrics (Slokas) in Sanskrit: View In ยป English / Sanskrit / Hindi / Telugu / Tamil / Kannada / Malayalam / Gujarati / Bengali / Oriya: Purusha Suktam Lyrics in Sanskrit - Vedic Chants in Sanskrit, Hindu Spiritual & Devotional Stotrams in Sanskrit.
  • Oct 09, 2014 purusha suktam sanskrit Shlok Meaning in English - The Perfect Being has thousand (unlimited) heads, thousand (unlimited) eyes, and thousand (unlimited) feet. Having pervaded the whole earth.

Grammar in Videos. The Purusha Suktais a most commonly used Vedic Sanskrit hymn. Recited in almost all Vedic rituals and ceremonies. It is often used during the worship of the Deity of Vishnu or Narayana in the temple, installation and fire ceremonies, or during the daily recitation of Sanskrit literature or for one's.

The Vedic Hymn on the Supreme Being

by Sri V. Sundar
February 17, 1995


  • General Introduction
    • Introduction to the Purusha Sukta
  • First anuvAka
  • Second anuvAka

Invocation to the Acharyas

    That wondrous lineage of preceptors, that starts with Sriman Narayana,
    and came through Nathamuni down to my own Acharya, I salute that.

Invocation to Vishvaksena (sEnai mudaliAr)

An Introduction to the Purusha Sukta

Where is the Purusha Suktam in the Vedas?

Hindu religious sources are classified as ``Sruti' or``smRti'. Sruti -- that which is heard -- is of the nature of divine revelation. We believe that the Vedas, hymns composed by seers and sages beginning as best as we candate them in 3000 BC, were sung under divine inspiration.This is why they are Sruti. These sages ``heard' themas the voice of the Divine.

Only two bodies of hymns are recognized as divinelycomposed. One being the Vedas, and the other, the Thiruvaaymozhi of Kaari Maaran Sadagopan, or Sri Nammaazhvaar,which are recognizedas equivalent to the 4 Vedas in the Ubhaya Vedanta school, the Sri Vaishnava tradition. The six compositions of Kaliyan Neelan, or Sri Thirumangai Aazhvaar, are recognized as the 6 vedAngas.

    [Note: ubhaya vedAnta refers to the twofold vedAnta,seen through the two eyes of the Sanskrit Upanishads andthe Tamil Divya Prabandham. They are of paramount and equal authority to Sri Vaishnavas.]

SmRti is that which is remembered, and includes a large part of the commentary of the Vedas, differentPuranas, epics, and other sources.

The Purusha Suktam is one of the Pancha Suktams of the Sri Vaishnava sampradaya or tradition. The other four are the Narayana Suktam, Sri Suktam, Bhu Suktam, and the Nila Suktam.

Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Text

The Purusha Suktam is seen earliest in the Rg Veda,as the 90th Suktam of its 10th mandalam, with 16mantrams. Later, it is seen in the Vajasaneyi Samhitaof the Shukla Yajur Vedam, the Taittriya Aranyaka ofthe Krishna Yajur Vedam, the Sama Veda, and the Atharvana Veda, with some modifications and redactions.

In South India, the Purusha Suktam, Vishnu Suktam, Sri Suktam, and Narayana Suktam are generally chanted together in paarayanam.

The Sri Rudram, Purusha Suktam, Upanishads,the Gita, and the Vishnu Sahasra Naamam are alsorecommended for daily paarayanam - chanting.

Since the Purusha Suktam is seen in all Vedas,it is cited as the essence of all Srutis by VedaVyasa in the Mahabharata. Saunaka, Apastamba,and Bodhayana have also written concerning theuse of the Purusha Suktam.

What does the Purusha Suktam talk about?

Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Pdf

The Purusha in the title of the Purusha Sukta refers to theParama Purusha, Purushottama, Narayana, inhis form as the ViraaT Purusha. He was the sourceof all creation. It describes this form of his, ashaving countless heads, eyes, legs, manifestedeverywhere, and beyond the scope of any limitedmethod of comprehension. All creation is but afourth part of him. The rest is unmanifested.

Purusha as Brahma remained inactive, andAniruddha Narayana, one of the four aspectsof Narayana in the first tier at the base of theVishaaka Yoopa, asked him ``Why do youdo nothing?' ``Because of not knowing,' Brahma replied. ``Perform a yajna. Yoursenses, the devas, shall be the ritviks. Yourbody shall be the havis. Your heart, the altar. And I shall be he who enjoys the havis -- theoffering. From your body sacrificed, shall you create bodies for all living creatures, as you havedone in kalpas before this.' Thus says the sAkalya brAmhaNA.

This yajna was called ``sarvahut', the offeringof all. The act of creation itself grew out of yajna,the rite of sacrifice. Who was worshipped at thissacrifice? It was the Purusha. Who performed it?Brahma, the creative aspect of the Purusha. Whowere the ritvik priests ? The devas, who are thePurusha's senses. Who was tied as the beast of the sacrifice? Brahma, again. What was barhis, the altar of the sacrifice? All of nature. Who was the fire? The Purusha's heart. What was sacrificed? Again, the Purusha himself, his great body that contained all ofcreation.

In a way, this is a message of love, that the Purushawould consume himself in the fire of creation, tocreate all the worlds. From this sacrifice did allof creation emanate. This is central to the messageof the Purusha Sukta.

    This great Purusha, brilliant as the sun, who
    is beyond all darkness, I know him in my
    heart. Who knows the Purusha thus,
    attains immortality in this very birth.
    I know of no other way to salvation.

The redaction I have attempted to translate is based to alarge part on theistic tradition and approach, rather than a critical approach. This is because this is the waythis wonderful cosmogenical song speaks to me. Mysources for the translation are to put it mildly, a hodgepodge. I have little skill in Sanskrit myself, andhave had to borrow heavily from these sources:

  • Purushasukta Bhashya of Ranganaatha Muni.
    Ranganaatha Muni (12th century) is also known as Periya Jeeyar or Nanjeeyar in the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya.
  • Hymns from the Rig Veda, by Jean Le Mee. New York: 1975.
  • Hymns from the Vedas, by Avinash Chandra Bose. Bombay: 1966.
  • ``Anna' 's translation into Tamil of the Purusha Suktam. Madras: 1986.
  • Rg bhAshya saMgraha, Chanana, ed., Orient Publishing House, Delhi: 1965.
  • Hopefully, that works. And now, on with the show!

    PurushaPurusha Sukta:

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    Sri Sukta & Sri Mahalaxmi Stuti

    Darshan of Sri AshthaLakshmi Maa in AshthaLakshmi Bhavan atSivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad




    (1-2)Invoke for you O Agni, the Goddess Lakshmi, who shines like gold, yellow in hue,wearing gold and silver garlands, blooming like the moon, the embodiment ofwealth. O Agni! Invoke for me that unfailing Lakshmi, blessed by whom, I shallwin wealth, cattle, horses and men.

    (3-4) I invoke Shri (Lakshmi, who has a line of horses in her front, a series of chariots in the middle, who is being awakened by the trumpeting of elephants, who is divinely resplendent. May that divine Lakshmi grace me. I hereby invoke that Shri (Lakshmi) who is the embodiment of absolute bliss; who is of pleasant smile on her face; whose lustre is that of burnished gold; who is wet as it were, (just from the milky ocean) who is blazing with splendour, and is the embodiment of the fulfillment of all wishes; who satisfies the desire of her votaries; who is seated on the lotus and is beautiful like the lotus.

    (5-6)I resort to that Lakshmi for shelter in this world, who is beautiful like themoon, who shines bright, who is blazing with renown, which is adored (even) bythe gods, which is highly magnanimous, and grand like the lotus. May mymisfortunes perish. I surrender myself to Thee, O Thou resplendent like the Sun!By Thy power and glory, plants like the bael tree have grown up. may the fruitsthereof destroy through the grace of all inauspiciousness rising from the innerorgans and ignorance as well from the outer senses.

    (7-8) O Lakshmi! I am born in this country with the heritage of wealth. May the friends of Lord Siva (Kubera, Lord of wealth and Kiriti, Lord of Fame), come to me. May these (having take their abode with me), bestow on me fame and prosperity. I shall destroy the elder sister to Lakshmi, the embodiment of inauspiciousness and such evil as hunger, thirst and the like. O Lakshmi! Drive out from my abode all misfortunes and poverty.

    Purusha Suktam Sanskrit English

    (9-10)I hereby invoke Lakshmi (Shri), whose (main) avenue of perception is theodoriferous sense (i.e., one who abides mainly in cows); who is incapable ofdefeat or threat from anyone; who is ever healthy (with such virtuous qualitiesas truth); whose grace is seen abundantly in the refuse of cows (the cows beingsacred); and who is supreme over all created beings. O Lakshmi! May we obtainand enjoy the fulfillment of our desires and our volitions, the veracity of ourspeech, the wealth of cattle, the abundance of varieties of food to eat! Mayprosperity and fame reside in me (thy devotee)!

    (11-12) Lakshmi! You have progeny in Kardama. (Hence) O Kardama, may you reside in me. Make Mother Shri with garlands of lotuses to have Her abode in my (ancestral) line. may the (holy) waters create friendship (they being of adhesive nature). O Chiklita (progeny of Shri)! Reside at my home; and arrange to make Divine Mother Shri stay in my lineage!

    (13-14)Invoke for me, O Agni, Lakshmi who shines like gold, is brilliant like the sun,who is powerfully fragrant, who wields the rod of suzerainty, who is the form ofsupreme rulership, who is radiant with ornaments and is the goddess of wealth.Invoke for me O Agni, the Goddess Lakshmi who shines like gold, blooms like themoon, who is fresh with anointment (of fragrant scent), who is adorned with thelotuses (lifted up by celestial elephants in the act of worship), who is thepresiding deity of nourishment, who is yellow in colour, and who wearsgarlands of lotuses.

    Purusha Suktam Sanskrit Text

    Invoke for me O Agni, that Goddess Lakshmi, who is ever unfailing, being blesses by whom I shall win wealth in plenty, cattle, servants, horses and men.

    Wecommune ourselves with the Great Goddess, and meditate on the consort of Vishnu;may that Lakshmi direct us (to the Great Goal). Om May there be Peace, Peace,Peace.

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