Revit Viewer

How Do I Use Revit Viewer?

In this Revit tutorial, I will quickly share what the Revit Viewer is all about with the Smarter Architect community. In less than 5 minutes, you can get a basic understanding of exactly what the Revit file viewer can and can not do to help you in Revit by watching this video:

There is a free online viewer 'A360' which support Revit file format. Autocad knownledge base also provides other solutions. But I would like to find out free perpetual Revit viewer. Anyway, thanks for your information. Raymond Cheung FONT=新細明體/FONT FONT='Arial'This is a list of ideas andpossibilities. The Revit viewer is actually installed with the full version of Revit and the Revit LT Viewer is installed with Revit LT. Its auto installs and you don’t have to do anything. Once you have installed Revit the Revit Viewer exists but the Revit Viewer icon is not shown on the Windows Desktop.

1. From the Start menu, locate the Autodesk program folder. The full installation of the current version of Revit will appear as well as the Revit Viewer. No separate Revit Viewer download is necessary. If you download the 30-day Autodesk Revit trial here, this installation will automatically be reduced to operating solely as the free Revit Viewer capability once your trial period is over. (If you are working on network license, I would recommend downloading a stand-alone desktop trial version and using it as your main Revit Viewer without checking out an unnecessarily checking out one of the commercial Revit licenses.)

2. Open the Revit Viewer. The above menu will appear to confirm that you have opened the read-only Revit Viewer. For this Revit tutorial, I am opening one of my projects in the Revit Viewer 2014. The Viewer mode does not appear any different than the full version in action aside from stating VIEWER MODE in the banner at startup as shown below.

Autodesk Revit Viewer

3. The main advantage to using the Revit file viewer over Autodesk Design Review is for real time viewing of any Revit model progress. DWF files are great for periodic documentation and marking up production drawings for record, but it is outdated as soon as the modeling continues. The free Revit Viewer allows the ability to print Revit To PDF or export to DWF, but only if no other model changes have been attempted. In the event that a Revit user attempts to make edits, the menus below will be displayed and even the printing/exporting capability of the Revit Viewer will not be available any longer.

So if you realize that printing and exporting functionality has been removed, then use Undo from the Quick Access Toolbar (shown below) in Revit and reverse any changes. Then it will be restored.

Revit Viewer 2020

Revit viewer free

Revit Viewer App

5.Lastly, if you find that you use the Revit Viewer often – remember that you can create a desktop shortcut following the image below. I find the Revit Viewer to be perfect for supervisors or clients who want to observe the construction model or track the teams’ progress without the unwarranted expense of commercial license.