Route 66 Gpx File

I was flipping through the big list of rides and found some really neat ones. There's the lighthouse series, the national parks, the pressed pennies, Mississippi river rides, Eggsanity, Why? Why not!, Heaven to Hell, Earth to Moon, and so many more. What there isn't, or at least I can't find, is a Route 66 ride. That seems strange to me. Route 66 was used for so long, by so many people, and is an iconic American drive with plenty of history behind it. Some of it has been overlaid by the interstate system, but it's still there. It's about 2400 miles with speed limits between 55 and 75 which seems perfect for a multi day ride. It would likely be a slow average speed ride, but it definitely seems feasible. There are also tons of attractions to stop and check out. I could even see having a very tight time limit, but giving half an hour credit for each attraction you can prove you visited. That way it kinda forces you to check things out while riding just to get extra time.
I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud. But really, why no Route 66 ride?
GoogleRoute 66 gps route

Route 66 Gpx File

Route 66 Gpx File

Route 66 Gpx Files

Raw file: Route Sixty-Six TourGuide.gpx (211.54 KB) This is a pretty comprehensive list of POIs along the famed Mother Road Route 66. I provided descriptions whenever possible. Now go get your kicks on Route 66! Apr 04, 2017 We use OpenCPN as an example, but the GPX files created work with any navigation program. The link to the. More than 83 supported formats. Since RouteConverter 2.28 the following file and URL formats are supported: Alan Map 500 waypoints and routes (.wpr). Waypoints are locations you record and store in the device. Waypoints can mark where you are, where you are going, or where you have been. You can add details.